15 Bird Conservation - with Grant


Embrace your inner 'bird nerd' with the host of Bird Emergency.

This episode is about birds' relationships with plants, the joy of watching birds and having a conservation mindset.

Grant Williams is the host of the Bird Emergency podcast. All his life he has been intensely interested in the birds around him. Studying horticulture and accounting seemed a perfect entre to the world of podcasting. His podcast and live streams feature researchers, conservationists and other bird-loving advocates. Grant gets to meet some of the heroes of bird conservation, while having fun learning about some of the most vulnerable threatened bird in the world. He continues to be an advocate for the birds under pressure from habitat reduction, pollution, pesticides, poaching, trafficking, smuggling and the loss of biodiversity due to climate change.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Bird Emergency podcast - thebirdemergency.com/podcast
* Bird Emergency live streams - thebirdemergency.com/live 
* Grant on Twitter - @birdemergency
* Grant on Masotodon - @birdemergency
* Book - The Slater Field Guide to Australian Birds - buy at your favourite local bookstore or via Google
* Book - Compact Australian Bird Guide - www.publish.csiro.au/book/7916/
* App - Morcombe's Birds of Australia - Apple or Android


16 Superb Lyrebirds - with Alex


14 Honeyeater Migration - with Carol