45 Birds, Trees and Rainbow Bee-eaters - with Stephanie


Explore the relationship between birds and trees… and how awesome Rainbow Bee-eaters are.

This episode is about how birds and trees rely on each other, the Rainbow Bee-eater and what’s happening in Sydney.

Stephanie Chambers and their partner Amy Ranck founded Sydney Bird Club to help people discover the magical world of Australian birds. With a Sydney-centric focus, they take casual birdwatchers through the steps to become full blown twitchers, with plenty of stops along the way for a pint. Their design business, Outer Island, inspires people to think about and appreciate the planet while simultaneously transporting them out of their everyday environment.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Outer Island website - outerisland.com.au
* Outer Island on Facebook - @outerislandgoods
* Outer Island on Instagram - @outer.island
* Sydney Bird Club website - sydneybirdclub.com
* Sydney Bird Club on Facebook - @sydneybirdclub
* Sydney Bird Club on Instagram - @sydneybirdclub

* Bird Week exhibition website - birdweekaustralia.com
* Bird Week exhibition on Facebook - @BirdWeekExhibition
* Bird Week exhibition on Instagram - @birdweekaustralia

Rainbow- Bee-eater call was recorded by Marc Anderson and licensed from www.wildambience.com


46 The Humour of Birdwatching - with Geraldine


44 Cuckoos - with Cassandra and Claire