105 Birding in a Kayak - with Marian
Look at Australian birds from a different perspective.
This episode is about finding community, birdwatching while kayaking and a close encounter with a White-bellied Sea-eagle.
Marian Blake is a casual birder with a lifelong passion for animals and nature. She’s spent half her career working with animals and have always had an interest in learning more about native birds (but never actively pursued the hobby). When Marian moved to Bendigo in Victoria, she was working from home and didn’t know many people. She reached out on one of the local birding Facebook pages and asked if anyone would take her birding. And the rest is history.
Available on YouTube, your podcast app or listen below.
* Weekend Birder Google Map and other travel destinations - weekendbirder.com/travel
* Women Birder’s Australia Facebook group - facebook.com/groups/womenbirdersaustralia/
* White-bellied Sea-eagle recording by Marc Anderson licenced from wildambience.com