22 Darters, Teals and Grebes - with Kathie


Identify common Australian waterbirds.

This episode is about darters, teals, grebes and other birds found at Birdsland Reserve in Melbourne.

A photo of a Blue Banded Bee that Kathie Thomas took in Spring 2009 led her on a path of discovery. She’s learnt lots of things since that day and can now name almost every bird in the region she lives in, and identify it by its call too. Apart from improving her skills in photography she’s learnt so much more about the environment in which she lives, exploring it constantly. She walks and drives to many places simply for the pleasure of photography and gets excited when she discovers a ‘new’ bird or something she’s not seen before.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Kathie’s website - dandenong-ranges-photography.com.au
* Kathie’s books - dandenong-ranges-photography.com.au/wordsonbirds2
* Kathie’s Birdslands Reserve posters - dandenong-ranges-photography.com.au/birdsland-bird-posters/
* Kathie on Instagram - @dandenong_ranges_photos
* Birds of Australia Facebook group - www.facebook.com/groups/birdsofaustralia
* Women Birders Australia Facebook group - www.facebook.com/groups/905341489849373
* Birds of the Western Treatment Plant Facebook group - www.facebook.com/groups/1042398663326186
* iNaturalist - www.inaturalist.org


23 Bird Photography - with Coreena


21 Ethical Birding - with Golo