38 Tune Your Ear - Lorikeets


Listen to the calls of Australia's seven lorikeets.

This episode is about the Little Lorikeet, Musk Lorikeet, Purple-crowned Lorikeet, Red-collared Lorikeet, Scaly-breasted Lorikeet and the Varied Lorikeet (phew).

Birdwatching isn’t just about watching, it’s about listening too. Tune Your Ear episodes are designed to help you get to know bird calls. You will hear guest insights and recordings from birds around Australia.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Little Lorikeet recording by Greg McLachlan (XC372859) - xeno-canto.org/species/Parvipsitta-pusilla
* Musk Lorikeet recording by Marc Anderson was licensed from wildambience.com
* Purple-crowned Lorikeet recording by Marc Anderson was licensed from wildambience.com
* Red-collared Lorikeet recording by Tobias Sheppard (XC507827) - xeno-canto.org/species/Trichoglossus-rubritorquis
* Scaly-breasted Lorikeet recording by Henk Krajenbrink (XC170701) - xeno-canto.org/species/Trichoglossus-chlorolepidotus
* Varied Lorikeet recording by Phil Gregory (XC287809) - xeno-canto.org/species/Psitteuteles-versicolor
* Episode 27 - Red-tailed Black Cockatoos with Richard - weekendbirder.com/episodes/28-red-tailed-black-cockatoos-with-richard
* Episode 8 - Aussie Bird Count with Sean - weekendbirder.com/episodes/08-aussie-bird-count-with-sean


39 Tune Your Ear - Whistlers


37 Tune Your Ear - Pardalotes