42 Good News Stories - with Darren


Be inspired by good news stories from WWF-Australia.

This episode is about Grey Fantails and how people are working together as part of bird conservation.

Darren Grover is the Head of Healthy Land and Seascapes at WWF-Australia. He is an ecologist by trade and has nearly 20 years' experience in species conservation, environmental impact assessment, land management, and policy development. Darren and his team work with universities, government, other organisations, community and First Nations people to improve the conservation status of animals like the Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo, Gouldian Finch and Shy Albatatross. Darren is most at home in the bush and he's an avid birdwatcher and bushwalker.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Darren on Twitter - @DarrenGroverWWF
* WWF-Australia - website - wwf.org.au
* WWF-Australia - Artificial Nests Aim to Increase Shy Albatross Breeding Success - wwf.org.au/news/2017/artificial-nests-aim-to-increase-shy-albatross-breeding-success/
* WWF-Australia - Gouldian Finch - https://wwf.org.au/what-we-do/species/gouldian-finch/
* WWF-Australia - Hope for the Glossy Black Cockatoo - wwf.org.au/blogs/hope-for-the-glossy-black-cockatoo/


002 Season 2 Trailer


41 Tune Your Ear - Honeyeaters