25 Oxley Creek Common - with Hugh


Discover a corner of Brisbane that is home to the Mistletoe Bird.

This episode is about the Oxley Creek Common in Brisbane, how Mistletoe Birds like to wipe their bottoms and the importance of listening to bird calls.

Hugh Possingham has devoted his life to stopping habitat loss around the world. He completed a PhD in Mathematics and Ecology at Oxford University in the UK and this led to a career in universities in the USA and Australia. He has mainly worked as a university professor and is currently at the University of Queensland. He also served two years at Chief Scientist of Queensland and four years as Chief Scientist of the Nature Conservancy. Hugh has over 1000 peer-reviewed scientific publications and his list of achievements goes on and on. Amongst all of this, he still likes to go birding at Oxley Creek Common in Brisbane.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Hugh’s research - scholar.google.com.au/citations?hl=en&user=uJIoXbYAAAAJ
* Hugh on Twitter - @HugePossum
* Hugh on LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/hugh-possingham-75b7b713/
* Hugh’s Wikipedia page - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Possingham
* Friends of Oxley Creek Common - www.friendsofoxleycreekcommon.org/
* Oxley Creek Common eBird entries - ebird.org/hotspot/L967148
* Xeno-canto website - xeno-canto.org

Bird calls were recorded by Marc Anderson and licensed from www.wildambience.com


26 Bush Birds - with Bridget


24 Urban Birds and Optimism - with Jacinta