26 Bush Birds - with Bridget


Become a ‘bird noticer’ and watch the bush birds around you.

This episode is about watching bush birds like the White-browed Scrubwren, White-winged Chough and Spotted Pardalote.

Bridget Farmer is originally from Northern Ireland. She initially visited Australia to friends but fell in love with the country (and a certain Australian man) and stayed longer than expected. She lives in country Victoria with her husband, two young sons, a whole flock of chickens and a studio rabbit. Bridget is a printmaker and her work celebrates Australia’s birdlife and her chooks. She has written and illustrated two children’s books… and there are more on the way.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Bridget’s website - bridgetfarmerprintmaker.com
* Bridget on Facebook - @bridgetfarmerprintmaker
* Bridget on Instagram - @bridgetfarmerprintmaker
* Bridget on TikTok - @bridgetfarmerprintmaker
* Deception by helpers in cooperatively breeding white-winged choughs and its experimental manipulation – link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00265005038650050386

Bird calls were recorded by Marc Anderson and licensed from www.wildambience.com


27 Bird Nests - with Zora Verona


25 Oxley Creek Common - with Hugh