04 Superb Fairywrens - with Holly


Find out about the Superb Fairywrens that live in Royal Park.

This episode is about how to watch and identify Superb Fairywrens, and the importance of the Royal Park habitat in Melbourne.

Dr Holly Kirk is an urban ecologist working in the Interdisciplinary Conservation Science Group at RMIT University. Holly’s research investigates how animals move around their environment and how we can use this knowledge to improve things for both people and nature in cities. She works on several projects that aim to make sure nature is being remembered when we design urban places. Holly loves spending time in nature, and is never happier than when helping other people find things to be excited about in their local parks, gardens or yards. 

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Superb City Wrens - www.superbcitywrens.com
* ICON Science - www.icon-science.org
* Holly on Facebook - @holly.kirk
* Holly on Twitter - @HollyKirk
* Holly on Instagram - @ilex06
* Holly on LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/holly-kirk-498443190/
* Friends of Royal Park Facebook group - www.facebook.com/groups/159966894096868/


05 Using Binoculars - with Anthony


03 Beginner Tips - with Georgia