05 Using Binoculars - with Anthony


Learn how to use a pair of binoculars to zoom in on the birds around you.

This episode is about how to use binoculars when birdwatching and some of the birds you might see in Canberra.

Anthony Overs’ childhood love of wildlife led to an Environmental Management degree. In his spare time, he is an active member of the Canberra Ornithologists Group. Anthony has been running their 'Birdwatching for Beginners' trips since 2006 and gets enormous satisfaction from teaching others. So he is the right person for the job to teach us how to choose and use binoculars (one of birdwatching's greatest tools).

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Canberra Ornithologists Group - www.canberrabirds.org.au
* Eclectic Antics (Anthony's website) - https://eclecticantics.com/2021/01/29/birdwatching-for-beginners/


06 Magpies - with Mandy


04 Superb Fairywrens - with Holly