19 River Birds - with John and Charlotte


Explore an Australian river and the birds that live there.

This episode is about the birds of the Werribee River in Victoria, including the White-faced Heron and Crested Shriketit.

John Forrester joined the Werribee River Association after moving to Werribee in the 1980s. He was appointed as the Werribee Riverkeeper in 2013 and his role is speak up for the river using action, advocacy and education. One of John’s responsibilities is to conduct bird surveys where revegetation has been undertaken in order to see if bird numbers have increased.

Charlotte Williamson grew up in a small farming community, surrounded by woodlands and wildlife, and with many pets. This love of nature has stayed with her, and she has been fortunate to move into a career that involves working in the great outdoors. Charlotte has been teaching environmental education programs for fifteen years and is the Werribee River Association’s Education Manager.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Werribee River Association website - www.werribeeriver.org.au
* Werribee River Association on Facebook - @werribeeriverkeeper
* Werribee River Association on Instagram - @werribee_river_association
* One Earth - Australasia’s Realms (Bioregions) - www.oneearth.org/realms/australasia
* Australian Government - Australia’s Bioregions - www.dcceew.gov.au/environment/land/nrs/science/ibra
* Museums Victoria - National Field Guide apps - museumsvictoria.com.au/apps/national-field-guide-apps/

Bird calls were recorded by Marc Anderson and licensed from www.wildambience.com


20 Songbirds - with Nicholas


18 Science Communication - with Jen