20 Songbirds - with Nicholas


Discover the songs of Australian birds.

This episode is about why birds make sounds and how to tune your ear into songbirds found in Adelaide and around Australia.

Nicholas Bishop has worked in the zoo world for 20+ years, specialising in birds and animal behaviour. He has combined his background as an actor/singer with academic pursuits in performance arts, applied ornithology and wildlife management. As the Animal Behaviour and Creative Programs Manager at Zoos South Australia, Nicholas supports the animal training and storytelling programs at Adelaide Zoo and Monarto Safari Park. These programs focus on positive, innovative and engaging approaches to connecting people with nature and saving species from extinction.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Nicholas on Facebook - @nicholas.j.bishop1
* Zoos South Australia - www.zoossa.com.au
* Birds in Backyards Top 40 Bird Songs - www.birdsinbackyards.net/birds/featured/Top-40-Bird-Songs
* Where Song Began - wheresongbegan.com
* Songs of Disappearance - songsofdisappearance.com

> Recordings of the Grey Butcherbird and Grey Strikethrush were uploaded by Nick Talbot on Xeno-canto - https://xeno-canto.org/


21 Ethical Birding - with Golo


19 River Birds - with John and Charlotte