27 Bird Nests - with Zora Verona


Marvel at the architecture and artistry of bird nests.

This episode is about bird nests, art and how to establish a birdbath in your garden.

Zora Verona is an emerging and interdisciplinary artist who explores the complexity of bird’s nests through sculpture. Her work intersects visual art, environmental philosophy, avian science and natural history. What drives Zora Verona to document, create and communicate is her legacy as well as the trajectory of loss of habitat, ecosystems and species. Her art awakens people’s understanding that every bird species is worthy of our wonder, awe and our protection.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Zora Verona’s website - https://zoraverona.com.au/
* Zora Verona on Facebook - @zora.verona
* Zora Verona on Instagram - @zoraverona
* ABC Australia - Are birds artists? - www.abc.net.au/news/2017-01-05/the-question-whether-animals-are-artists-inspires-exhibition/8162870
* The Conversation - Plastic found in lining UK seabird nests on a worrying scale - https://theconversation.com/plastic-found-lining-uk-seabird-nests-on-a-worrying-scale-142118


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