29 Sneaky Waterbirds - with Matt

Photo credit: Sascha Estensb


Learn about the unique birds found in farmland and waterways.

This episode is about bitterns, snipes, rails, crakes and other sneaky Australian waterbirds.

Matt Herring has been captivated by threatened and cryptic waterbirds for 25 years. His research on brolgas began in the late 1990s and he quickly realised the importance of farmers as wetland custodians. This has guided his studies ever since and soon he’ll work on his 1000th farm in the Murray-Darling Basin. Over the past decade, he has led the Bitterns in Rice Project, completing his PhD and developing incentive programs that marry food production and conservation through the co-management of water. Matt is also tackling conservation of the endangered and near-mythical Australian Painted-snipe.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Matt’s website - www.murraywildlife.com.au
* Bitterns in Rice website - www.bitternsinrice.com.au
* Matt on Twitter - @Matt_HerringOz
* Tracking Australian Painted-snipe on Twitter - @TrackingAPSnipe
* Tracking Australian Painted-snipe on Facebook - www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087380940581
* Bitterns in Rice Project on Facebook - www.facebook.com/bitternsinriceproject
* Xeno-canto website - xeno-canto.org


30 Merri Merri - with Ann


28 Red-tailed Black-cockatoos - with Richard