30 Merri Merri - with Ann


Hear about how the birds along the Merri Creek change with the seasons.

This episode is about the Australasian Pipit, Eurasian Skylark and other birds that live along the Merri Merri (Merri Creek).

Ann McGregor started birding as a child at her family’s weekender in the Dandenong Ranges. She still enjoys watching long-term favourites such as the Eastern Spinebill and Golden Whistler, but also spends time birding around Australia and overseas, always on the lookout for unfamiliar species. Ann has co-ordinated the Friends of Merri Creek bird surveys since they began in 2008 and is here to share her experience with you.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Friends of Merri Creek website - friendsofmerricreek.org.au
* Friends of Merri Creek on Facebook - @FriendsofMerriCreek
* Friends of Merri Creek on Instagram - @friendsofmerricreek
* BirdLife Australia - Australasian Pipit - birdsinbackyards.net/species/Anthus-novaeseelandiae
* BirdLife Australia website - Eurasian Skylark - birdsinbackyards.net/species/Alauda-arvensis

Bird calls were recorded by Marc Anderson and licensed from www.wildambience.com


31 Ravens and Crows - with Sean


29 Sneaky Waterbirds - with Matt