Weekend Birder Podcast

A podcast about Australian birds and the people who love them.

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Weekend Birder Weekend Birder

09 Tawny Frogmouths - with Marian

Discover the secrets of one of Australia’s most loved birds. This episode is all about Tawny Frogmouths - how to identify them, what they eat, where they live and how people are working together to ensure they thrive in Australia.

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Weekend Birder Weekend Birder

08 Aussie Bird Count - with Sean

Use the Aussie Bird Count to practice your skills. This episode is about how to participate in BirdLife Australia’s Aussie Bird Count and how people continue to be amazed by Rainbow Lorikeets.

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Weekend Birder Weekend Birder

07 Little Brown Birds - with Ricki

Identify little brown birds using 'bird topography'. This episode is about how to identify common little brown birds by looking at their body parts, and the joys of birdwatching in Royal National Park in Sydney.

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Weekend Birder Weekend Birder

06 Magpies - with Mandy

Understand and appreciate the magpies that live around you. This episode is all about magpies and their behaviour, with a focus on a subspecies that lives in Perth and other parts of Western Australia.

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Weekend Birder Weekend Birder

05 Using Binoculars - with Anthony

Learn how to use a pair of binoculars to zoom in on the birds around you. This episode is about how to use binoculars when birdwatching and some of the birds you might see in Canberra.

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Weekend Birder Weekend Birder

04 Superb Fairywrens - with Holly

Find out about the Superb Fairywrens that live in Royal Park. This episode is about how to watch and identify Superb Fairywrens, and the importance of the Royal Park habitat in Melbourne.

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Weekend Birder Weekend Birder

03 Beginner Tips - with Georgia

Meet the author of 100 Australian Birds. This episode is about why some birds look different through the seasons, how to pack for a birding adventure and the art of lazy birdwatching.

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Weekend Birder Weekend Birder

02 Peregrine Falcons - with Victor

Hear about the Peregrine Falcons that live in Melbourne’s CBD. This episode is about Peregrine Falcons - how to identify them, what they eat, where they live and how a community comes together to watch the birds that live at the top of a tall building in the heart of Melbourne.

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Weekend Birder Weekend Birder

01 How to Start Birding - with Merrilyn

Start to notice the birds around you. This episode is about how to start birdwatching by listening and noticing the birds that live in your local area, including Wombolano Park in Melbourne.

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